I will never forget the moment I watched my first baby nephews, Mason and Jensen, come into this world. It’s one of my top favorite memories of all time and for the first time ever, I understood the excitement of bringing a new baby into this world.
I’ll be the first to admit that I was honestly NEVER really one for photographing newborns and families. I would always pass them up or be really reluctant for people to hire me for them. All of that changed 2 years ago when my sisters had my nephews. As my sisters started having babies and my friends started having babies, I got to sit with them in that season of life. I was able to see them in the trenches of motherhood. To many, I’m sure it’s an ordinary first step in starting a family, but truly, it’s nothing short of extraordinary. It’s messy, crazy, overwhelming, emotional, and confusing, but most of all, it is beautiful. The celebration of a new life, especially your FIRST baby, is so exciting.
Lexy and Cody invited me into their home to celebrate the birth of their first baby boy, Rhett! I loved photographing one of his first days in his new home! (FINE, and I loved spending time with the pups, too). Those first precious days when you’re overwhelmed with the idea of parenthood, still figuring out what exactly to do and what works best for you all, are when I’m invited in to photograph these moments. It’s a responsibility I don’t take lightly and I’m grateful to be able to give back images like these. Cody and Lexy will be able to look back on these photos when their baby boy is growing up to remember where they started, while Baby Rhett can be reminded just how much his parents love him and how excited they were that he came into their world.
Lexy and Cody, thank you so much for letting me capture these sweet moments for you guys! Rhett is the sweetest baby boy and he already has the most amazing parents! You two radiate love and joy and I know Rhett will grow up in a home full of just that.